Hilltoppers GSXC (Grade School Cross Country) is designed to prepare grade school runners for cross-country in a fun and encouraging environment. Each individual will be placed into a group with athletes of similar fitness levels as we work on increasing fitness while focusing on proper running form, playing games, and running workouts at local parks and trails.
The cost is $100 and includes a racing singlet, entry fees for our 3 scheduled meets (does not include the state meet), coaching by Runner’s Flat Staff, Local School Teacher/Coaches, and incredible volunteers, plus facility rentals and expenses.
Register through The Runner’s Flat. Cash, Check, or CC. Registration ends 8/31/24.
Practices will take place on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and Sundays from 2:00-3:00 p.m. from varied locations. First practice will be Tuesday the 5th of September at Birdsall Park in Cedar Falls. The Season runs from September 3- November 3.
Age Race Distance
7-8 2K
9-10 3K
11-12 3K
Pre-Season Meeting
We’ll have a parent/athlete meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3rd, right before holding our first practice. Athletes can come ready for practice. We’ll host the first practice at Birdsall Park in Cedar Falls. Calendars with date, time, and location for each practice, and the season’s meet schedule in detail will be handed out. If anyone has not signed the waiver or registered can do so then as well at our first practice.
Meet Schedule
Registration Options
Scott Gall
LeAnn Romanazzi leann.cushion@gmail.com
The Runner's Flat
(319) 277-1154
120 Main St.
Cedar Falls, IA
Copyright © 2018 The Runner's Flat - All Rights Reserved.
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