We've created the ultimate run box with our personalized TRF Run Box gifts and subscriptions. Sign up for a quarterly or one-time box option for yourself or someone else.
1. Fill out the personalized questionnaire.
2. Choose your box.
3. Purchase a subscription or one-time box.
4. Be amazed at how well we get you!
$25.00 quarterly payment
(One-time box purchase available.)
Ollie was our beloved store master for 16 years! He weighed a lucky 8 lbs. and was always a bundle of bouncing joy eager to greet each and every customer. Every time you get, "The Ollie," Run Box from TRF, you'll receive more joy from the smallest box you've ever imagined.
$50.00 quarterly payment
(One-time box purchase available.)
Nate worked for TRF while earning his bachelor's degree from UNI. Even at 19 he would come into work and immediately roll out his back on a foam roller before starting his shift. If you're working consistently on your health and wellness, then you should also be consistently work
$50.00 quarterly payment
(One-time box purchase available.)
Nate worked for TRF while earning his bachelor's degree from UNI. Even at 19 he would come into work and immediately roll out his back on a foam roller before starting his shift. If you're working consistently on your health and wellness, then you should also be consistently working on your maintenance and therapy. "The Nate," Box is guaranteed to have some type of therapeutic focus from prehab to rehab, along with the personalized offerings that always accompany a TRF Run Box.
$100.00 quarterly payment
(One-time box purchase available.)
For years TRF offered some type of Mayhem run whether after work or at the crack of dawn. We've snowshoed in negative 50 degrees, run 50K on New Year's Day, forded flood water, crawled through mud and mire, and swam Brinker Lake in November! The, "Mayhem" is built for those who
$100.00 quarterly payment
(One-time box purchase available.)
For years TRF offered some type of Mayhem run whether after work or at the crack of dawn. We've snowshoed in negative 50 degrees, run 50K on New Year's Day, forded flood water, crawled through mud and mire, and swam Brinker Lake in November! The, "Mayhem" is built for those who want no excuses but rather, desire the gear to create legend.
$250.00 quarterly payment
(One-time box purchase available.)
If you don't know Bryan Rutledge, aka-BRut, aka-"The Hammer," let's just say he's a little type A. And whether you like the intensity or not, the one thing you'll always know with BRut, is he's prepared and ready for the challenge. We take that attitude and put it into, "The Ham
$250.00 quarterly payment
(One-time box purchase available.)
If you don't know Bryan Rutledge, aka-BRut, aka-"The Hammer," let's just say he's a little type A. And whether you like the intensity or not, the one thing you'll always know with BRut, is he's prepared and ready for the challenge. We take that attitude and put it into, "The Hammer" Box by making sure we cover every detail of your journey and goals. From shoes and apparel, to fueling and gear to haul it, "The Hammer," will help your training be rock solid and your confidence be unshakeable.
Copyright © 2018 The Runner's Flat - All Rights Reserved.
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